Change Log!


Today's big changes have been starting this webdev section of the blog! I made a blog post (viewable here) and have now added this changelog page! I've been telling myself I want to get this moved off the home page for a hot minute now, and I'm glad I finally have the chance to get it moved over.

I also learned today that apparently my pageblock div has been goofing this whole time so that's....awesome....but that's now resolved, too! I had finished my blog post and went to adjust padding on the main content box and when I hopped on Chrome the whole webpage shifted and I was like O_O. Turns out it did that at full screen and looked normal in windowed, which is how I do most of my editing so I had no idea 🙃 whatever!

OKAY! I was having troubles with the Journal page this morning where, instead of redirecting to the Not Found page, it was getting dinged with a 403 error? I had no clue what was causing that, but after some research, it seems that having a link to a /journal when I also have a journal folder was the source. I changed the folder to journals (plural) though honestly I think entries might have made more sense? I have no clue, something to deal with later, I've been linking everything up too much to care to change it all right now. ANYWAY, after I resolved that, it was ALSO running into a problem where, despite the existence of a /journal page, it was only registering as Not Found 😑 and that was driving me nuts. I had left off this changelog entry by saying that I had no clue what the problem was and I'd figure it out later (it is now later, it was a cache issue, that's why it was so hard to google, bc everyone knows to just clear cache and try again)

A little housekeeping also, since I never logged what I did last session (8/21/24). The About Me section got ironed out, as well as adding the blog section and my first blog post. I also tinkered with the navigation bar and added the drop down, but I'm still not entirely happy with that either. It's mostly just cosmetic things that I'm looking to potentially change, but who knows! Maybe I'll get caught up with other things and this will just be her final interation until some massive overhaul! It could happen!


EXCITING NEWS! we have nagivation! i have also (clearly) started to lay out how the pages are going to look, thanks to flexboxes :D done a lot of learning today! this is probably one of the last days that this content will stay on the main page, since either tomorrow or thursday im hoping to get my blog section prepped for moving all of this stuff in! for now i think this should do it tho!


this is my first go at setting things up! i had considered using zonelets to just start posting stuff, but i think part of the fun for me is actually tinkering with all of this and getting it just how i want! and i know from doing a lot of thinking and looking at other people's websites that the base code for zonelets wouldn't be able to do everything i want, so here we are!

today's main goal was getting this looking decent, so that if anyone stumbles across my page it doesnt look like its been just made today (even tho it has!). ive successfully plugged in a background and made myself a lil box to type in, so thats exciting! i think next on my list is getting navigation set up so that i can start an actual section for this instead of just letting it sit on the homepage. unfortunately, i have work to do, so its looking like this is going to be a tomorrow task! see you then!

Updated August 30th, 2024, around 1pm