
Last year at right around this time, I had been sitting at work, bored and nostalgic for the internet I grew up with. At the time, those thoughts had led me back to GaiaOnline, where I was able to get back into my old account and not only have access to what is available now, but lots of old messages and dead forums of the past, too! It was a really nice break from spending my hours of downtime at work scrolling social media, and I've found myself on Gaia more often within the last year, chatting with others and playing the marketplace.

During one of those bouts about a month ago, clicking mindlessly at Lake Kindred while listening to whatever random YouTube video I had on at the time, I stumbled upon a video talking about the personal web. That led me here, to Neocities, and I fell down the rabbithole of people's personal projects and ecclectic websites that honestly filled me with such nostalgia and joy that I was thrown into like a week-long dissociative spiral (mostly positive). I knew from the first two or three sites I checked out on here that I had to make one for myself, it was just a matter of dialing in on what I wanted to do on here.

So to get to the point! I have been saying for years now (and more seriously, for months) that I wanted to get into video essays. I have so many thoughts and so much analysis I've started that remains half-baked in my mind. The thought of spending all that time ironing out my ideas only to have to follow it up by learning video shooting and editing really throws a wrench in those plans, though, so my hopes here are to elimiate those last two steps! I already have somewhat of a background in web design (took a class where we built websites and also have done a littany of tweaks to tumblr themes over the years) so learning web building seemed much more approachable than video editing! We'll see how long it takes for me to actually churn something out, but for now, I have a space to yap and a space to goof around! My little corner of the web :3